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PDX 2025

A celebration of Geek Culture held at over 100 small biz around Portland.

Learn about Geeky small businesses and stuff happening around Portland while keeping up to date with Geek Week PDX.

Thanks for subscribing!


The World's Only City Wide Comic Con!


Friday, September 5th thru
Sunday, September 14th


At over 100 small businesses all over Portland

Under Construction

Here's a sneak peek on what's coming....


Obojima, 1985 Games

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Rose City Book Pub

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Epic Adventures

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Untapped Trivia

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TPK Brewing

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Girl & Roses Tattoos

Follow us on Social Media

Keep up to date on all the geeky happenings around town.  Make sure to follow our social media.

  • Facebook
  • Discord
  • meetup black
  • Reddit

Become a Hero

Create and host a event at your small business, partner with other biz or community group and create a special event.

Discounts & Deals

Escape the everyday! 

Adventure into the unknown and solve the clues & puzzles to make it out alive. Pick your favorite room or try them all.


 Funky Laboratory

Malice Manor

Alien Zoo 

The Wizard's Lair

The Magicians Menagerie

The Ritual Room

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Get 25% off your escape room experience.


Use code GEEKWEEK25, and book today!

Find more discounts Here

Geeks at the Library

Multnomah Library is an endless resource for activities, inspiration and found friendship.

Explore everything the Multnomah Library has to offer at the over 18 locations around the city.

  • Maker Space - make your ideas a reality

  • ​Game & Anime Clubs

  • Themed reading lists

  • Other classes and activities for all ages

  • Multi-lingual options available


Guide to Geeky Biz

Don't miss out on the ultimate geek experience. The Geek Guide is a comprehensive directory of Comic Shops, Games Stores and everything you need for the perfect Nerd Night Out. 
Download the BabbleBuy app to start exploring today.

Geek Guide

Become a Sponsor

We are looking for partners to help us take Geek Week to the next level. Sponsorship is fluid, and all types of assistance can will help us support the community, including marketing support, free products & gifts, event space, money and more.

Connect with us.

David Raycroft & Lisa Albani, Event Organizers

Ray Gun, Melody Jo (MekkGirl) https___www.makemeink.com_.jpeg
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Marquee Sponsor


BabbleBuy, publishers of the Geek Guide and the premier provider of print and digital adventure maps, is proud to sponsor Geek Week PDX.

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