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Avengers Assemble
Help us get ready for Geek Week.

Behind every event is a team of exceptional volunteers, sponsors, hosts, and organizers who work tirelessly to make it happen. Scroll for more information and press the button to launch.
Event Partners
On any given day there are dozens of great Geek adventures happening throughout Portland. During Geek Week PDX, we want to highlight the wild, weird and wonderful culture that makes Portland special. Share events you are already hosting, schedule something new or invent something that has never been seen before. Nothing is too big or too small.
Bars / Restaurants: Specials, Theme Parties, Shows, Trivia
Game Stores: Tournaments, Discounts, RPG Campaigns
Comic Shops: Artist signings, Discounts, New Releases, Cosplay
Theaters: Film Festivals, Movie Marathons, Live Shows, Hosted Screenings
Market Places: Crafts & Art, Food, Specialties, Collectibles
Tours: Historical, Haunted, Quirky, Arts
Jessica Cohen

With thousands of pop culture enthusiasts roaming around Portland, Geek Week PDX is the perfect way to highlight your brand to dreamers, creators, artists and innovators of all ages. Click the button below to learn about the wide range of sponsorship opportunities available.
Committee Leads to help coordinate events, parties, volunteers and more
General Support volunteers. Help where needed before during and after
Committee workhorses willing to do the heavy lifting and rally the troops
Marketing Magic. Social Media, Video Content, PR, fancy words and pretty pictures
Help us recruit more participants including but not limited to Volunteers, Events and Sponsors
Go behind the curtain. Better yet, make the curtain. Volunteers are the backbone of every event spectacular.
Help us make the magic happen.